This week was a busy one and flew by very quick. Emma is becoming the cutest little girl. Rocking in all pink for Gramma and Grampa. We celebrated Grampas 51st Birthday this weekend!

She wanted to wear her NY Giants slippers last night. She was trying so hard to put them on haha and then wouldnt be still enough for me to get a photo of her.
Saturday night we had a killer storm come in. I LOVE monsoon season. The whole sky was pink and then 20 minutes later, it was pouring!
Emma loves bath time. As soon as the water comes on she squeals and waits for the tub to be filled and she tries to take her clothes off while running like a mad woman.
We also got a new slide! Too hot for it to go outside, so for now we store it in the office.
So many fun new things!