Taking a look back at 2014..
January...we moved into our first home!

February..James was bitten by a dog and we attempted Valentines Day

March...we went to Vegas to visit family :)
April...we celebrated Emmas 2nd Birthday and our 1st Anniversary
May...we celebrated 2 weddings of friends getting married and bought a new car
June...we found out we were adding Baby 2 to the family
July...we went to the first annual Beer Olympics
August...we took Emma to the Corn Festival
September..we found out were having another GIRL!
October...Emmas first Halloween where we took her Trick or Treating!
We also celebrated my 27th birthday with James in the hospital for kidney stones.
November...we did the annual Thanksgiving Day parade in FH.
December...Emma participated in her first school show!!
2014 had a lot of ups and a lot of downs. I have learned a lot and grown a lot. Im a little glad this year is over. I already see bright things for 2015...for myself and for our family. We are welcoming baby girl in 5 weeks or less and its going to be wonderful (we hope ;) ) Here's to 2015 and may you accomplish all the things that heart desires! I have big goals and desires to complete this year :) Stay Tuned!