We had such a fun weekend! We didnt even do anything exciting :)
Friday night Emma went to Mimi's house and I prepped Giannas room for her first night in there..woohoo sad tears. Bitter sweet moment. She did really well. Friday night, she was up 3 times, but im sure a new mattress, static instead of the tv and less light all played factors. Bc Saturday, she slept like a champ. AND Gianna also had rice cereal for the first time and she liked it! Didnt love it, but also didnt hate it. Emma hated oatmeal and rice altogether.
Gianna is also trying realllly hard to sit because she will do anything to not be laid down.
And FINALLY James' fathers day gift arrived! I ordered these shirts BEFORE Mothers day and they ended up being on back order and instead of 3-4 weeks it was 6-8 weeks. Thankfully as adults, we understand lol. So we celebrated this Sunday!
And this beauty..I just cant get enough of her.
We pulled out the car this weekend and Emma had a great time dragging Gianna around the house. I LOVE when Emma wants to entertain her sister; it is one of my top things watch.
Comfiest nap ever haha
Since we moved the pack-n-play out the room, my pregnancy pillow came too! (it was wedged between the wall and the p-n-p :)...the kids took over lol. Emma watched a movie like this. I love her outfit choice haha
And we even got Gianna set up to watch a little bit of the movie too.
Gianna is so funny, no matter what room you are in, if she can hear the tv, she will stretch and look until she spots the tv and stare for a solid few minutes and then shell snap out of her trans and go back to shouting.
If every weekend was this lazy. Oooooh I finally attacked my 9 load laundry pile at the top of the stairs! I felt pretty darn accomplished after that hahaha