This year, I WAS INVITED! Say what?! Me?! Well I have busted my bootay in my department for several years, so im super honored to be invited.
James parents flew in for the weekend to watch the girls! Super grateful that they were able to do this for us. We stayed at The Ritz Carlton in Lake Oconee.. so gorgeous. The view was amazing. ^^ this was the view from our room!

Each person gets a plus 1... I was going to ditch my husband haha but he packed his back the moment I was invited..jk of course I chose him.
Having drinks with my co-workers!
Saturday morning was our first activity! We chose Jet Sking and it was a lot of fun. For James and my Mom haha.. I was so nervous driving it that I ended up freaking my self out lol, but the last 15 mins of the ride I did enjoy!
The houses on this lake were unreal! Multi-million dollar homes.
Dinner Saturday night was delicious and then we hung my the lake side enjoying the moonlight and fire.
Sunday we were supposed to go horseback riding, but it was cancelled due to the trail. So we hung poolside and it was so nice. We literally sat there all day and did nothing. I got a ton of color and relaxed sans kids. Amazing.
This is from Sunday evening, the moon was so huge and the sky was gorgeous.
Sunday evening, there was a live band and a fire works show. It was so awesome! I have never been so close to them going off. It was so bright! Boats filled the lake to watch, a cool sight to see!
All the fireworks pictures are from Misty, a sweet wife to one of the owners of the company.
Monday we spent 2 hours near the pool before making the bus ride back to the airport! It was such a great weekend!
So honored to be invited and spend time with the people I spend all week with ;)
Of course the trip wasnt perfect (hahaha):
Friday - I have to have my bag searched at the airport because I had 'too many snacks' inside, woops haha
Monday - I left my phone in the bathroom stall and ran through the airport to meet the lady who grabbed it for me. and then 25 minutes before the plane landed, James was wearing a hat and we headed butted, but the brim of his hat scratched my cornea and I couldnt see for 3 days.
I can finally see again and am so grateful for 2 eyes and full vision!!