I just cant stop decorating...and I wont!
I went to a different Michaels and found a ton more items for my tree and yard :)
We are 1 of 3 houses I have seen on our "hood" decorate. It makes me so sad that no one loves Halloween as much as us 4 houses.
There has been some seriously cute cuddle time with Daddy.

And this girl has been extra moody this week. I believe she is getting some of her bigger teeth it. I have see one upper "fang" tooth coming in, it is probably the other coming in now. She had 3 melt downs at dayecare alone yesterday and 3 at home too. She did not want to take a bath or do anything! She had an early bedtime with some tylenol and she was out! Today, she seemed much happier. We dont go anywhere with out this puppy. She sleeps with it, walks around the house with it, it goes in the car with us...its her same size! Life size puppy hehe
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