Hope you had a wonderful Thankgiving!!!
Every year, we go to the Fountain Hills Parade as tradition (when my brother and I were in high school, we marching with the marching band). Last year Emma was too small to enjoy it and napped the whole time. This time she wanted to run wild, so we made sure to bring lollis for entertainment. Emma made friends with the people next to us because they had a dog lol

They had a Duck Dynasty which was pretty cool. I have seen a few episodes, so I understood and it made
My Mom stood with Emma most of the time and it was super cute. I cant remember who was on the bike, but it was some political guy and it was pretty cool! He was high fiving people and riding all over the road. My Dad walks with Ace Hardware and their float, so we waited for him at the finish line and walked back home :)
James and my Dad hung Cmas stuff while my Mom and I cooked and Emma napped...then James napped too.
We went to my Grandmas house and Emma LOVED it. She loved playing with the big kids and the stairs. She let me know, she does not like pumpkin pie. This was the only picture I was able to get because my Mom took it. I was too busy making sure Emma was not falling off the stairs.
After my Grandmas, we were the crazy Americans that stood in line at Target for hours to get really cheap stuff. We were going to get a huge tv again, but this time, there were people plotting at the front and taking tickets and trying to sell them to make a huge profit. They were also giving them out to 10 year old kids, so some families left with multiple tvs. They only handed out 25 tickets, which made it so unfair for everyone else. James was super upset, but instead we picked up a slightly smaller tv for a little cheaper and it will be ok. Since we waited all that time, I took advantage and picked up some other things for Emma to put under the tree :). Next year, yes we are already planning, I think we are going to get in line earlier. Yes, we will be spending time with out families, but aftter 6 hours, I feel it is acceptable to part ways. We all live in the valley together and see each other frequently. I feel super American being a consumer and falling in to their ways :).
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