Two years ago when I pregnant with Emma, my Aunt Linda and cousin Erika came and surprised me for my baby shower! and then a year later, when James and I got married they both came out. So in girls thought it would be fun to surprise Erika for her high school graduation!
Thursday morning, bright and early (4am early) we woke up and met my Momma at the airport. Both husbands had left and were on their way to work/home. We get to the counter...oh your plane left already...uh not for another hour?! Apparently, Expedia didnt contact anyone from the flight to let us know the time changed, so half of our flight was in line trying to get on the next flight out...5 hours from then. So we rebooked, called my Dad, he came to the rescue. (Top 2 pictures, Emma was giving the 'stank-eye' because I asked to stop being the dvd player...I couldnt stop laughing at her face!! and Pop pop saved the day so we took selfies!)
Once we finally got back to the airport, Emma was so excited to have own seat...until it was time to take off, then she just wanted to sit in my lap. The attendant let her and she was great from there!
We finally arrived in Baltimore at 11pm, got the rental car and headed to the hotel. My sweet snuggle bunny for a few days :)
Emma loved playing with my cousin Carolyn, they were soooo cute together. She is 11 and LOVES I was happy to let them go off and play dolls together :)

Emma loved how green everything was and that everything had pretty flowers on them! Annnnnd then my phone I got Erika walking across the stage! I think my Momma has more group pictures. Total fail here.
After the ceremony, we headed to Ruby Tuesdays with the family and had a wonderful time! Emma made a 'giant straw' which she was so proud of.
This girl made herself right at home in the hotel. Got the notepad and pen and watching her toons. ADORABLE. annnd then this is how we slept...or she slept..I mostly tossed and rotated around her. I was thrilled to be back in my bed haha
On Saturday, we went over to Aunt Linda's house for a party! Emma rolls in style :)
AGAIN my phone died...all that Candy Crush I play haha
Carolyn and Emma before we had to say good-bye! On the way to the airport, this sun was rising and it was absolutley beautiful. I will take this dry heat over the muggy glad we were able to visit and I will definitly be back, maybe when its cold!!! lol

This time, a lady switched with my Mom and we all got to sit in the same row on the way home and Emma feel alseep between us right away and slept through the turbulance. I couldn't be more proud of the way Emma traveled. She was soooo good. She yelled a little and was exhausted. But she was so good I wanted to give her a million M&M's for it! But shhhh haha she doesnt need to know she could of had that.
Happy to be home :)
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