This weekend, my parents wanted to take Emma up north to this Corn Fest...uhhh Mom! I wanna go!! So we all went up for the day to check it out! 80 degrees, yes please!
I was a little hesitant because last year we took Emma to the pumpkin patch and her activites were limited. However,

Then she saw a slide and went down this 10 times before we convinced her to see the pigs. She loved them! Because all they did was lay there haha. Next I wanted to go on the hay ride! This was my favorite part. They drove us around the farm and then we stopped at the sweet corn fields and got to run through them and pick our own corn!
We picked it and ate it right there. Emma even wanted to pick her own. She so badly wanted to see pumpkins, but they are mostly green since its only August. But we were able to find out and she just hung out. So cute.
When we got back, it was time to eat. Emma had zero interest, so we found this little duck racing area. You put the duck on the ramp and pump the water to push it down. Great arm work out haha.
We saw some kids with face paintings and let Emma pick hers out, she picked a Dolphin and requested her arm. LOVE her.
She was so good and still while getting painted. More still than I have ever seen.
She begged to ride the horses. So Pop-pop volunteered! Thanks Dad! Since I was not jumping up there haha. It lasted 5 seconds. They made a tiny u-turn and she was freaking out. Well she tried! Ill give her that.
Then they had this inapropriate bounce house. It was a cow with utters inside. Kids dont know any difference, but I was cracking up watching the kids grab each utter. We could not get Emma out of there! Had to send Mimi in to get her. It was her favorite thing all day. Last, they had a pit of dried corn to play in. Great activity.
This was such a cute little fest they had. My parents got a bacon wrapped roasted corn...YUM!! I think it will be something fun to take the kids to next year..more for Emma lol but overall, it was so nice to get away from the heat for a few hours and Emma had such a blast. I think we will go again for the pumpkins come October!!
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