This weekend, my sweet nephew turned 3! We visited to celebrate. It was at an indoor playground, it was amazing!! It reminded my of a version of Chuckie Cheese, without the arcade games and for kids who are 1-8. This place did all the decorating and all they had to was bring the cake. Emma LOVED this place. She couldnt get enough of the ball pit and the train. She would only stay somewhere for a few minutes before finding a new toy to play with!

After the party, Emma wanted to keep playing, so we went over to Nicholas' house to play! The boys were grilling in the backyard and so the kids were splashing their hands in the water. Both attempting to use the potty now, Nicholas needed to pee, so we directed him to just 'do it in the rocks'..hes a kid and a guy who cares. Wellll Emma sees him take his pants off and pee and wants to the same. She was SO proud of herself. We were all about to pee our pants it was hilarious.
James' cousins were also in town from NY! It was Jay's bday and we havent seen them in 4 years almost. They have never met Emma, so it was so wonderful to see them again and enjoy breakfast!
When the boys were little (James and Nicky), they had this train that was painted red, it held all their toys. It has been refinished and being given to the girls!! It will be here by the end of the year and we are so excited to have it! Where we will put it..who knows haha..but it is so awesome! Shelves on each side, the top opens and you can store stuff in the bottom.

Next weekend, picking Pumpkins!!!
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