On Halloween, Emma was able to wear her costume to school. She was sooooo excited!!! She had been wearing the costume for 2 straight weeks and we were sad everyday we couldnt wear it to school. I was so sick on Halloween, I was so thankful my parents made the hour drive so they could take her out in our neighborhood. I was able to take her to about 6 houses before I couldnt make it anymore. James and were able to get enough energy to carve our pumpkins just in time.

My Birthday was nothing exciting this year due to going to the hospital at 1am and no one feeling well for 8 days. My Momma was so sweet and sent me flowers to work. When I went in for a few hours later in the week, they were sooo beautifuly blooming. After 8 days and feeling better, we celebrated my birthday. I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and use my gift cards that family and coworkers gave me :) and I decided we should get something subtle for lunch and we opted for Kneaders...AMAZING. I got a soup and bread bowl, I was able to eat 4 bites before I was full..but leftovers were equally delicious.

On Sunday, James made a little party for my in the dining room :) we had a little cupcake and I made a wish and I got my sewing machine I have been wanting for a year!! I cannot wait to see if I crafty enough for this!

And then after we took all the fall/halloween decor down and it was sooo bare on the walls, I decided it was time for Christmas! I wont make my neighboors mad, so we kept it all indoors. Friday after Thanksgiving though....were going all out on the outside!!! Weeeeee and below is my husband and I hahaha
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