Whaaaaat?! The girl who made me a Mommy is 3 today!

-She is sassier than ever and prettier than ever.
-She is so smart and I feel im just biased, but I have so many people tell me that they cant believe the words that come out of her mouth for only being 2..now 3.
-She can count to 20. My favorite number is 'fiveteen' haha (I mean it makes sense if you go off the other 'teen' numbers)
-She can count to 10 in Spanish.
-She sings so many songs its insane. She often serenades me in the car ;) (my favorite is Wheels on the Bus)
-She has started to like movies and sit for longer than 30 mins watching them.
-She potty trained herself...kind of.
I will admit I dreaded the day of potty training. I didnt want the accidents and just didnt trust her..or maybe myself. Daycare said that she likes to use the potty and to send her in underwear. I said ok and just never did it. So a month later, they said to me again, please try it, she went all day in the same pull-up! I said fine, well do it. So we went out and bought some underwear. 2 week later, she has done so good, i think only 1-2 accidents!! She sleeps in a diaper overnight because, well... (see below)
-Still sleeps in her crib...ive asked her several times if she wants a big girl bed like at school (they nap on cots) and she says 'No Momma! I like my crib!' Fine.. I dont mind not being woken up by a tiny child at 3 am starring deeply into my soul
-Loves selfies; she will ask for you to turn the camera around, so she can see herself lol
-She an inventory of 'friends' aka stuff animals in her bed
-Her favorite: food is cheese, color is pink, toy is anything 'baby' related or kitty related
-She is currently in a 3T clothing and a size 6 shoe
-She picks out her clothes the majority of the time; always selects her shoes
-Recently started to like showers..make this really convenient for bathing. I do enjoy knocking 2 birds with 1 stone; cuz I shower with her!
Weight: 28 pounds
I love you to the moon and back a billion times!