I cant believe my sunshine is 2 months already!! (yes i will say this every month ;))
She has gained 5 pounds since birth.
Got her first round of shots yesterday and only cried for 20 seconds. As soon as I picked her back up, she was done, wanted a bottle for 3 mins and was passed out and ready for her carseat.
About 2 weeks ago, she started to sleep a bit more . She goes down between 8-9 and has been waking up 3-4 and I get up between 5-6 to start the day. Its been amazing!! Emma never slept this long till she was many months old.
She has started to coo and make squawking noises
She will crack a smile here and there and its beautiful
Finally accepts bath time and only cries a couple times a week
Eats like a champ; about 3-4 ounces
Tolerates the Bumbo for about 10 mins at a time
She does love to be held. Even if youre just sitting, she be content sitting right with you.
This girl is sooo content. She will just lay and stare, shes super observant (she gets it from her Momma ha) Always patiently waiting for food or diaper change.
And she saw the Easter Bunny for her first easter :) eyes open and all!
And she saw the Easter Bunny for her first easter :) eyes open and all!
Baby girl you are a dream and we love you soooooo much!!!
xoxo Momma Daddy and Emma
What a relief about her only crying briefly for her shots! She is such a beauty! Happy two months!