This weekend, James' parents came to visit. So we went to the World Wildlife was sooooo much better than the regular zoo! Be sure to check for coupons on line because it is $12 more than the Phx Zoo. However, there were way more animals, more activities, an aquarium and some of the peacocks got to roam!
The monkeys were out and hanging was super neat.
They had a nursery and all the baby animals were adorable! Baby warthogs :)
This poor cheetah, he just wanted a snack and kept pacing at the fence.
The parking lot was packed and the line was super long; but the park is so big, we walked right up to every animal, no problems.
Its hard to tell, but the monkeys here had babies on their backs! The tiny mokeys are so so cute

White tiger and albino croc

They had penguins!! What?! Soo cute. They didnt do anything cool, but it was neat to see them
Wow, that looks like a great zoo! And when you are napping when your mouth open, that means you had a good time!