We started out this weekend right! The girls and I started with a donut date on Friday on the way to school :) We each picked one and shared (well she picked mine and thankfully knew which one I liked!)
Her new bed transition has been sooo great! Saturday at 630, I heard our door open and she crawled right in the middle and fell back asleep. She whispered to me 'Mama I waited till the sun was up to come in here'. I was so proud, because that is exactly what I told her. Then James alarm went off 4 times and we were up for the day.
**Friday night we met up with my parents to go to Slide Across America, a giant water park coming for 2 days to Scottsdale. Well it ended up getting rained out and we went to dinner instead. As we were leaving the parking lot, Emma was devistated she didnt get to go down any slide and was shouting.. 'What happened to America?! I wanna go to America!! Did America break Mama?'... i was laughing sooooo hard.
On the way out to play for the day, I check my tracking and we had a special package waiting. So we had a quick sweaty 5 min around taking pics in her sweet new kicks from Sweet N Swag.
--> we had a Tea Party and I was so tickled to watch my girls play for the first time ever.
<--- this has me cracking up so hard. Im so glad I hit the button right as she tipped. Emma didnt know what to do lol
--> they laughed for a solid 20 mins. I thought they were gonna choke on their own spit from laughing so hard!
Ill take a dozen for myself please!! Hello Kitty cookies = YUM.
Built a sweet lego house, fully equiped with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, living room, garage, yard, kitchen, dining room, plus roof deck!

Emma has never been one to just pass out while playing ever. Just recently shell nap on the couch, but it is rare. She has always made it to a bed or in the car seat. So when I was doing dishes last night and heard silence, I check on her and this is how I found her. I guess my lego house was legit! 530 this chic was out. I moved her upstairs to my bed at 7 and at 8 I moved her to her own bed. I expected to be woken up at 3 am to a wide awake Emma. Nope, still had to wake her at 530 this morning! This was def a first and one for the books :).
Hope you all a superb weekend!!
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