Saturday morning, Gianna woken up around 615 and I was feeding her back to sleep; I heard loud footsteps, must be Emma. 5 mins later, I heard James voice, so she must have waken him. When I was done, I walked out of G's room to both of them confused where I was. Emma had told James that I was downstairs making my lunch (bc thats what I do during the week) and she had gotten herself dressed and ready for school hahaha. We explained no school today and she was very confused. It was a major perk that she got herself ready and set for the day. She was in a great mood! BTW, he hair..she woke up like this. I didnt even brush it all. She had some serious ringlets all day :)
--> impressed with my wrapping lol
On Saturday, the girls and I went to my cousins baby shower and it was so cute and fun! She did most of the work and did a great job. I won the 'guess which chocolate is in the diaper' game :) I know my candies ha
The girls were sooo so good at the shower.
<-- leftovers, it looked to good not show everyone ha
--> as we were watching sleeping beauty 'Mama, thats you! and that Prince, is my Daddy!!' um duh <3 melt my heart child
<-- I heard silence, she put herself down for a nap :)
On Sunday, we docorated!
September 1 is my favorite day of the year. Time to decorate for the holidays!! Ahhhhh. My house and cubical are at 50% decorated and will slowly be finished by Oct 1.
Discovering new toys :)
Of course, out comes the decor, not too far behind is the jammies!! (I have no idea what they are looking at..they both looked at the same time)
On Monday, she takes her tree pictures. Well she found this stick near by and was like 'Mamaaa look at mee. Im gonna eat dis stick!!' I was dying.
We needed to get a couple of things at Toys R Us for Gianna and so we did a little test driving for Christmas this year ;) ;)
--> James choice haha
Sunday afternoon, we decided to BBQ. It was overcast all day, but very light overcast. So as sooon as we stepped outside, it started to sprinkle. Of course. Oh and as soon as he was done, it stopped hahaha rude.

--> waiting for the rain to pass :)
This weekend Gianna also his the stage where she gets on all 4's and cant figure out where to go next and just gets to frustrated she screams. It want all the time to slow down, except now. Now I just want her to learn to crawl. Every 2 seconds after putting her down, she just yells. Sooo please girlfrand.. I give you permission now to crawl.
Sisterly hugs to end out the weekend :)
Oh..and I found these on clearance. My childhood heart is happy :)
Kudos if you made it to the end :)
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