- love to stand
- have 3 bottom teeth
- crawl all over your sister and the other babies at daycare
- chase Daddy and I if we are within your sight
- got another ear infection
- starting to hate baby food and only want what everyone else is eating. OK with me!
- you are so serious and will bust the most random smiles. so cute.
- your sister makes you laugh more than anyone
Sleep: 645-730 you go down, you have been waking before 12 each night. Sometimes you will sleep till 5 and sometimes you are up again by 2. You take 2-3 naps a day from 1-2 hours.
Pictures of you are getting harder and harder to get! Im going to have to get a velcro onesie for your 10 month photos hahaha
You are as sweet as pie and we LOVE you!!!

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