Down to less than 30 days till Gianna is O-N-E. Seriously I blinked and where did 2015 go?!
I was telling James last night, you pop out 1 kid and you hit the fast forward x1 and you pop out a 2nd and you hit ff x2! So for those of you who have 5+ kids, you must be in a whirlwind of a time lapse.
- This month you are walking probably 60% of the time and taking more and more each day. You took your first steps on October 4th-ish in front of me. Daycare says otherwise, but if I didnt witness, it doesnt count haha.
- You say Mama and Dada
- you love every food that has been given to you, with the exception of cranberry sauce. But I agree with you on that one ha.
- Celebrated your first Christmas and you loved your new toys
- started cry-it-out and have done such a good job!
- You hate to be alone. If you even think youll be left alone for a minute you scream
- you are the best snuggler...i just love love love it.
- you hate anything on your head. A hoodie, hat, bow, if you can feel or see it, it is being ripped off. Sometimes, I can get a small bow on your for a bit before you notice.
- When you see Emma walk in to a room your face lights up so big waiting for her to come over to you
- your favorite 'game' is when we go in to the pantry and you try and grab the sauce bucket and I yell 'no sauce for you!' think it is the most hilarious thing you have ever seen. You get the hiccups every time and nearly gag yourself from laughing so hard.
Size 12 month clothes
Size 3 diapers
Wears 5-5.5" moccs

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