One of my great friends, Kelly, her daughter turned 1 this month and we went to celebrate!
Her Mom made the cutest 'Neva heads' and put garland and heads on sticks in the grass. On the way out Emma grabbed a head from the grass and goes 'Mom, I took Neva's head, they are going to be sooo mad at me' hahahaha
Emma played in the pool and it was so cute! I love that they converted their dive pool to a play pool, so its uber kid friendly!
The two older girls snuck a lick of the cake while singing..
This was by far my grossest week of parenting by far. Gianna had some sick poops and this nasty blowout on the highway. Emma was yelling in the back how bad it smelled and that she was eating some off her hands. It was so gross. I wanted to throw the carseat away. The clothes went for sure.
A few days later... Emma was down for the count. Throwing up and no poop. But ugh my house smelled so bad. We are all back to healthy and are happy as can be!

These 2 every morning run to a wall for sweet pictures
Emma wrote her name for the first time with zero help!
I told her that her hair was stunning and I wanted to get a cute picture... how she felt about it!
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