We sent the kids to my parents house Friday night so James and I could build all day/night Friday and get any last minute parts (which we did!!)
Christmas Eve, we went to my parents for family time and to get the girls.

We made sure to get home at bed time so there was no peeking!
We opened family gifts and then read The Night Before Christmas and everyone went to bed!
Santa came while we slept and left all kinds of goodies!
James and I decided that Emma was really due for a bed upgrade (we converted the crib) and I didnt want to wait 4 more months till she was 5. She got a TV that only plays DVDs. Im jealous of her bed ha. I also revamped a doll house for Emma, which was a true labor of love. It has been played with every day and makes my heart so happy.

James and I even got a headboard upgrade. LOVE!
Emma is obsessed PJ Masks and this is the coolest hoodie ever!!
<< Emma ran over her ankle outside and was crying, Gianna came over to assess for her and it was so precious. Makes my Mama heart so full.
We spent all day playing together and just being together. It was the best day!
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
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