My sweet Grandpa gained his angel wings last weekend. We had a wonderful celebration of his life. I learned so much more about my Grandpa this weekend and where he came from. It was such a wonderful weekend and we will miss him dearly.
We got to see TONS of family. Under terrible circumstances, but it was wonderful to see many I havent see in many many years.
Playing with Uncle BIll
--> Circa 1992. Preschool graduation. I am about 5 here and Emma looks just like me.
Playing with Carolynn and coloring chalk with Melody.
Doing knock outs with 2nd cousin Holly.
All the big cousins playing Bags. Its so cool to see us all now in the yard and picture when we were kids running around back there.
Emma and the Llama ;)
At the service:
All the grandsons who could make it.
Grandpa would love this silly picture.
My Grandma first selfie :)
Maggie and I.
One of my favorite aunts, Jeanie! :)
My sweet cousin Amy's daughter and Emma played. They were sooo cute!
My Dad's Brothers family(plus spouses), Love them!
Grandma and her kids.
They do love each other so so much ha
Ok, in all seriousness now.
And their spouses :)
Back to Grandma's for pool time!
And our family :)
Grandpa did NOT want black to be worn. So I picked the brightest clothes from my closet ;)
And now for a trip down memory lane.
My wedding 2013

Aunt Karen, Allison and Melody, Grandma and Grandpa, Nora and Aunt Linda
These are the most recent of him at my cousins wedding. Photo credit to my cousin Amy.
And this last picture here was when he went to Australia with a handful of family over 10 years ago.
Grandpa, you are already so so missed. I know your legacy will live on forever. You have touched so many and all those who have crossed are you so lucky to have met you. Im so glad I have many many memories to look back on. Thank you for always loving unconditionally. Miss you and love you always!
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