I love love going to kids birthday parties! Watching friends interact, the awkward making friends with other parents ranging in age from 25-50 lol. The kids are so cute and have so much together, such a treat.
One of Emma's best friends, Elias, turned 4 last week, so we celebrated at a trampoline park and it was great. Emma was the only girl and it was so cute. Im pretty sure her princess party in 2 weeks will be the same way.

This is the best picture of the entire time. We wanted to get a group shot of the kids, but none of them would stay all at once at the top. We spent a good 5 minutes trying to contain them at the top, but it was not successful ha. As you can see above, a kid was always sliding away... at the end, all the Mom's gathered to decide who got the best picture and the dad's definitely won by getting all of the Mom's lined up trying to get a picture. So perfect.
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