F O U R.
4 years old. You are my greatest gift. My brightest smile. My heart on the outside.
You are fierce, opinionated, independent, and sassy. You are also sensitive, smart, curious, sweet, helpful, and so very affectionate when you chose to be. You make me want to literally pull your hair out one minute and just eat up your cuteness the next. You drive me crazy and I am forever crazy in love with you.
You have the most beautiful soul and can make anyone smile and laugh in an instant.
You are stubborn and know what you want. Just like your Mama. You are SO smart! You
talk like your 15 and you think its hilarious (it mostly is). Your hair makes everyone envy
you and would pay big bucks for it! You still have never had a haircut and I cant bring myself
to do it (no matter how hard the hair battle is every morning). Your spirit animal is a Unicorn
and I just love that about you. You love to play and run wild. If you could play outside
all day everyday, you would. You love to collect rocks, leaves, flowers and anything else
you find 'hunting'. Recently you have taken a liking to showers and take 1
everyday. You have 3 night lights in your room and you tell me that it is not nearly enough!
You think you are the boss, but at 4 who doesnt think this way ha.
Emma really loves dress up and dolls and babies right now. Asks to wear 'fancy' dresses almost daily.. we are working on redoing her wardrobe to include more! Her favorite foods are cheese, cottage cheese, and mac & cheese...do you see a cheese trend here? and she has the biggest sweet tooth ever...EVER. She likes to go to shopping and pick out ALL the things and then tries to convince us of why she deserves/needs them.
Emma gets frustrated or mad easily, when it comes to something she can't figure out on her own or cant have right away. She loves to be the one in charge (of course... just like her Mama haha) and doesn't deal well when she isn't. She LOVES being a big sister and loves Gianna so so much.
She's as high-maintenance as they come and there's not one thing I would change about her, even in the most challenging moments, I am forever grateful I get to be her Mama.
Love you to the moon and back a billion times.
20 questions with Emma:
1. Favorite person: You Mom!
2. Favorite color: Pink
3. Favorite movie/tv show: Little Mermaid and Bubble Guppies (also Sophia the 1st and Mickey Mouse are equally in there)
4. Outfit to wear: Ariel shirt
5. Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms
6. Best friend: Grace and Avi
7. What do you want do be when you grow up: A Princess!!
8. Where do you want to vacation: Disneyland! (lucky her lol)
9. What are you really good at: Coloring in the lines
10. Favorite ice cream flavor: Balilla (Vanilla)
11. Favorite food: Bananas (butttt i would say anything with cheese, just this week she has been on a banana kick)
12. Favorite animal: Kitties
13. Favorite thing to do: Worksheets (she loves to work on 'homework')
14. Holiday: Easter (I presume because it just happened)
15. Season: Spring because I love the pretty flowers
16. Favorite thing to do at school: color work sheets
17. If you could change your name, what would it be: Baby!
18. What makes you happy: everything!
19. What are you afraid of: Caves! Bats in there and spiders.. they are scary!
20. What is 1 wish you have while being 4: to watch movies (haha what? easy. done.)
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3rd Birthday! |
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4th Birthday! |
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