Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Emma 14-15 months

Emma has been learning so much this past month.

- Says shoe, sit, two, bye-bye, juice, guppies, ta-ta (thank you) and shouts HI to everyone.
- Waves bye-bye, blows kisses
- Puts items and out of containers
- Loves to play with the blinds at my office
- Transfered from 2 naps a day, to 1!
- Still likes to get up between 5-6 for the day
- Doesnt like to cross the line over the door edge to the outside, she will wait for someone to pick her up

- James and Emma have been taking me to work a few times a week to break up the day and she just loves being at the office.
- She will let you put her hair in a tiny pony on top of her head

Photo: Hanging out at work today

She is my mini-me!

When I was a baby and Emma...
Photo: Good morning!! 󾔏

-She will sit contently on the couch with us and shout sit every few minutes to remind us that couch is for sitting, not standing.

When I was a little kid... I think Emma looks just like me :)

We love you so much Emma!! You are such a joy and I love spending all my time with you!! xoxo

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