Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh where, oh where have the Pizzas been?! We have been super busy visiting family for Spring Break and planning a birthday party for a cutie turning 2 in 2 weeks!!
She is such a good road tripper and I love that she napped this time :)
Grammy and Poppop got a swing for their tree... try taking her out of it..BIG mistake. Pure joy :)
Meeting our sweet new nephew and Emma played with her cousin who is just 6 months older. They were so good with each other and played so sweetly. Sad we moved away...only a little though lol

Sunday morning we went and played with the kiddos and did the same on St. Pattys day; only we had green bagles and wore green clothes :)

Towards the end of Monday, they kept giving each other kisses and it was just the most cutest thing you have ever seen.

And on the way home, coloring, Bubble guppies and snacks... 4 hours she was the best and the last 30 min.. we couldnt wait to get home!!
And when we did!!! Mimi and Poppa (my parents) surprised us with backyard landscaping!! :) Emma is obsessed with the 'grass' and loves to come out here daily.

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