Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life Lately...


 Here to the left, one morning I told Emma to go wait by the car and she said 'No, Daddy's truck now!' Quite the demands.

Emma has been keeping us super busy lately :) She has been super fun and playful and learning to communicate with scentences really well. Yay! One of Emma's favorite things to do is be outside; well yesterday it was 117* when we got home, so that was not going to happen. However, when the sun goes down to the other side of the house, the driveway becomes shady and we have been using that time to give 'daddy's truck a shower'.
 She loves to spray the water and play with the soap. We even got her to help dry! That keeps us busy for about 30 min 2-3 times a week. Then she gets sprayed down and I love hearing her loud giggles when being chased.

 Mimi got her a Donald Duck, whom she carries everywhere with her. If he is missing, she will call for him expecting an answer haha.

The past 2 weeks, she has been using, 'Emma do it! I big girl' phrase and she then tries! It is one of my favorite things.
 My sweet little and your laundry obssession. 'I go night-night; kiss?!' she burries herself in the basket and snores hahaha

 The only way to get her to smile (not even look at the camera) is to ask her if she wants to take a 'selfie'. She usually wont look at you, but she'll give the cheesy grin.

 Emma got her first Barbie this weekend and the first thing she did was get it naked
-_- oh child.

And then she was extra cute and helped decorate a diaper cake I was making. She is such a good helper. She makes my heart soooo happy!


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2014

    That is too cute that she calls out for her Donald Duck!

  2. she is the flipping sweetest!
