Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Photo Dump! [May-June 2016]

 Ever since we have been back from Disneyland, I have felt all out of sorts and routine. I am finally feeling back to my every day with work and home!

<-- "Mama, can I pose with a book"

--> shopping!

 This outfit is a favorite of mine. She is just so cute.

 Gianna cannot get enough edamame and she will just lay on the floor (anywhere) and drink her bottle haha

 ^^ the struggle was real waking up

<-- she was trying to grab the Bubble Guppies off the TV and when I pulled out the Puppy, she was elated.

--> kept asking for the helmet to be put on
<-- Im not tired, just put on a show for me..

--> we got Emma a lamp when we redid her room and it turns everything a shade of pink. After shes asleep, I sneak it and turn it off :)
 We went over to Mimi and Poppops house for the day!
 --> counting for hide and seek

 <-- sharing popsicles

<-- singing me Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee

--> they always fight for this chair and for once they were watching together!
 <-- I just love my bed!

--> and I randomly got this new Island for the kitchen, which James was against at first and now he has admitted that he LOVERRRRS it ha

Eventually I will have the rest of our trip together ha

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