Friday, July 21, 2017

Summer Vacation 2017 [day 1]

For the 4th of July week, we all headed to Cali for a week! James the kids and I, my parents and my Brother. We left on Saturday and returned on Thursday. It was quite a drive with the 2 kids. But we survived and ate lots of snacks haha.

(I only have 3 days documented because on day 2/3 I got super sick and was down for the last 3 days (sad face))

So! On day 1! We left Saturday morning and my parents took Emma in their car for a few hours and then we switched when we got to the dinos! We have never really stopped here before on our trips, but I thought it would be fun for the girls to see. It was SOO windy (see Emmas hair below haha) and it was nice to stretch our legs for a few mins. Once we arrived at the beach house in Venice, we decided to hit the beach (Giannas first time!) and walk the boardwalk and get some dinner and ice cream. Day 2 coming soon!
Photo Dump:

<--Ready for the beach!

-->2 minute walk to the beach :)

Can never have enough selfies!

<-- i just LOVE when they hold hands and walk

--> first time in the sand!

<-- the girls absolutely loved the water! Gianna was shivering and turning blue but kept wanting to get back in the water

--> out of nowhere, James shouted 'Dolphins!!' and sure enough we saw 20+ dolphins in groups going down the coast.

If you look to the upper mid- right, you can see the one dolphins fin coming out of the water.

The girls were obsessed with this fake bike.
Im a sucker for a colored wall haha, there were tons more walls I wanted to stop at, but with getting sick, it was not realllly on my mind anymore :(

Day 2 coming soon...

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