Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This and that

At work, we moved offices to a much nicer place in a much ghetto-er location. I decided that my cubical was very boring and uninviting. So at the new office, I promised myself I would work in a happier roofless/doorless cube. I added wrapping paper to the walls and pink beans/mini disco balls and fun plants to go inside. I was the talk of the office yesterday with many visitors asking if I would decorate theirs. Yes at a hefty $$ haha. My cube even comes with a wonderful Hello Kitty water jug in the corner! I feel much better knowing I will be in an environment that is pretty and pink :).

Little Miss Emma was being a raptor after dinner. It was a great, fun time... for 20 min!

She got these reaaaallly cute outfits for Xmas from Sanata. If they were orange, she would look like a mini prisoner! And we put on some romper stompers and she loves to bang them around.

Poor little one needed a bang trim, she was pulling on her hair. She did so good till the last snip. She looked up right as I closed the scissors and got a crooked end! lol silly looking baby. But sooo pretty even with her wack job :)

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