Friday, December 28, 2012


Christmas 2012... It was Emma's first Christmas and we decided to go to Las Vegas to see James' family. It was also Emma's first plane ride! It takes us longer to get to the airport that we are on the plane. Overall, she did really well. It was nap time both on the way there and on the way back. She fussed her way on take off and passed out on James's chest. Thank heavens he was there for her to sleep on. I was in middle seat both ways. She fussed when we landed.. she was ready to get off that plane!

She met her cousin Nicholas since she has been aware of people, he is 14 months. And she was obsessed with the cat! Everytime it came near, she squealed and smiled at the cat.

She wanted a bidlight sooo bad... we offered her a pepsi and she screamed until we gave up the beer.

 Opening gifts!

Eating Nicholas gift... and he was at least nice and gave her a kiss!

We went to the mall to meet some friends and she was pooped! I changed her diaper and she rolled over and passed out! 

 Trying to catch Nicholas.. he runs and she was soooo sad about it. Hanging with the kitty :)

 Family picture!

When we got home, she played with a new toy from Grammy and got up there all by herself! We were making dinner letting her push the buttons to make noise and this is how she ended up! Brave little girl. And then she has this new thing about hanging in her carseat... silly girl.

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