Tuesday, April 22, 2014

1 Year Anniversary

A year ago 4/21/2013 this handsome man and I said 'I Do!'.

As I look back on this perfect day, I am so glad God chose you to be by my side.

I wake up knowing that I am loved and I never have to worry. Your smile and heart that brings so much joy in to my life.

This year has been a whirl-wind. We bought our first house and you started a new career. We a few lows and a ton of highs.

This year has taught me a lot patience and has given me great strength and love.

You have kept me silly and I am forever greatful knowing I can always count on you to make me smile. Thank you for loving me. ❤

I love reading our ceremony; reminds me of our silly love we have ❤

Will you take her as your wife?
Will you love her all your life?
Will you take him by the hand?
And make a husband of this man?
Will you have, and also hold
Just as you have at this time told?

Will you love through good and bad?
Whether you’re happy or sad?
Will you love each other if you’re rich?
Or if you’re poor, and in a ditch?

Will you love each other when you’re fit,
And also when you’re feeling sick?
Will you love with all your heart?
Will you love till death you part?

Then if you’ll take her as your wife,
And if you’ll love each other all your life,
And if you’ll take him by the hand,
And make a husband of this man,
And if you’ll have, and if you’ll hold,
From now until the stars grow cold,
And if you’ll love through good and bad,
And whether you’re happy or sad,
And love in sickness, and in health,
And when you’re poor, and when in wealth,
And if you’ll love with all your heart,
From now until death do you part,
Yes, if you’ll love each other through and through,
Please answer with these words:


Happy 1st Anniversary my love!!!

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