Thursday, April 24, 2014

Emma turns 2!!

 Minnie Mouse Theme Party!

(yes the 'I and R' are switched lol, just didnt retake the pic after they were fixed)

We kept it just James and I and my parents came over for food and cake and of course gifts!

I loved all the decor and or course almost 2 weeks later, I still have it hung up :)

Black and Pink where the color scheme..just like everything else. Big shocker there!

I LOVED the table setting. I would do every meal like this if my husband wouldn't give dirty looks haha

Food table: Homemade meatballs and Sauce w/ Bow Tie pasta

Cookies and Cake

Beverages were added later when they were nice and cold!

I LOVED her cake!! I was pink, pink, and more pink!
Pink velvet cake, with neon-pink frosting and pink sprinkles and or course a pink candle!
We then proceeded to open gifts, she was so happy! Which makes this Momma happy. She got new Bubble Guppies bedding, cleaning toys (since she loves to 'help clean') and new Snapbibs which she loves to wear on the daily! There were other things...but who wants to be bored with a list of toys lol

A few days later, bedding is washed and ready to be used! She wouldnt let me put the mattress back in the crib, so we let her play on it... most adoable thing. While reading stories, she kept asking to get in the bed. Story time was quick this night. As I watched through the monitor, I could see and hear her putting her stuffed Minnie she sleeps with 'to bed'. "night night Minnie" as she shoved her under the blanket. Such love.

Happy 2nd Birthday my tiny Love!!! I cant believe how fast time is gone. I cant wait to see where your personality takes you this year. Love you lots!!!

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