Monday, July 13, 2015

Weekend Happenings

 A new normal.
Before this weekend, we usually had calm weekends at home hanging out. Well last week James started a new jobby and it requires him to work Saturdays AND Sundays (insert semi sad face). So now the kids are getting antsy and want more to do! I guess im not as entertaining as I thought haha; reality check.

Emma picked out matching Frozen Anna 'heels' and crown and it was just darling watching her trot around the house in them.

She named her doll Sally and burps her and reads to her.

 She got her learner's permit ;) (I let her play while I loaded to grocery cart lol)

G will do whatever is takes to find that TV. She is hilarious.

 Such a Diva!
 Emma was begging for hours to pleaseeeee go swimming. I was slightly nervous being home with both girls and 1 being stable in the water and 1 not stable at all. So I said next time G naps, well go out. She napped an hour and then wanted to come play, the Bumbo in the water was great! Although I had to hold her or she started to tip and float away haha

We made it through and it was exciting, boring, clean, and full of sillies. Cant wait to see where next weekend takes us :)

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