Thursday, February 11, 2016

Gianna // 12 months

So it turns out she 9 teeth as of her 1st birthday, but as of today, I think I see 1 more coming out.

Weight: 19lbs 14 oz
Height: 28 1/2 inches
Head: 17 in

Gianna can:
-Yell like a dinosaur

She is still a serious baby and it takes a second for her to smile at most people. 
She favors Mama and Dada. 
The first person she loves to see in the mornings is Emma. 
Started milk about a week before turning 1 and we found out that dairy makes you reallllly constipated..but you  LOVE prune juice and that seems to help combat the problem
Will eat about anything. Cottage cheese is a hit or miss depending on the day. Everything else is a go!
Still in Nursery 2 at daycare, 4 other kids also turn 1 with in the same week, so no space yet. 
We are done with formula! Woohoo $$ saving time... or spending on clothes hahaha 
Wont stand still for a picture unless I have something for you to focus on 
She hates to be alone. Like dont even think about walking away from her if someone else isnt near 
She sleep roughly 7-5 during the week and 7-5 (diaper change) and back to sleep till 7-8! She does fuss and stir in the night, but puts herself back to sleep. 
She loves to pull off everything on the bottom shelf in the pantry.
Obsessed with bathrooms. So we have to keep the doors always closed.

Out takes lolz

Baby girl! I cannot believe you are ONE. This year went faster than any year with Emma (prob 2 children thing). I know they say with each child time goes faster, but man do I feel like we literally just left the hospital. You are worth every single one of the long frustrating nights. You are just the most precious cuddle bug and I love it to the moon and back. I love when I put you on my shoulder and you immediately lean down to smother my face. I love when we go to pantry and you giggle and smile because you know im going to play 'no sauce for you!' and its my favorite. I love watching you and Emma together. She is the sweetest big sister to you. Will to share her snacks and some toys with you. You each have tried to claim each others toys as your own. I hope you two are close forever. 

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