Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hello Kitty Cafe

 I saw on Facebook that this cute little mobile cafe for HK was coming to Scottsdale. I sent it to my Mom and knew we had to go... until we got there. The line was OVER 2 hours to wait in and it was ALL. DAY. LONG. I couldnt believe how many people were there for this. You didnt even get to meet any characters!
 But, it was a beautiful day!!! So we had lunch and did some shopping and then towards the end of the afternoon, we checked back and they were sold out of almost everything. Sweet Rebecca stood in line and got us some cute cookies and water bottles!
 While we observed the line to see how fast it was moving, Emma made 'snow angels' hahaha

Crazy people in line 

This fancy cool Jeep pulled up and the snobbiest lady got out to get her HK treats! I did love her car!

I would say this day was a success! Good naps :)

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