Monday, August 19, 2013

New Beginings...

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! It is being built fresh from the ground up. After a long search and a bad house offer, we chatted and chatted and decided what we need is fresh and new. So this weekend, we picked out our floor plan, our lot (empty land below), the style of our home, and color scheme for the outside of the house. We are so excited. If all goes smoothly and on time, we should move in the last week of the year!! A little bummed because we wont really be able to decorate for Christmas with everything being packed and going to Hawaii during the whole week of actual Christmas, but we will be able to have a our first real Xmas in our new house next year!! (perfect for post xmas sales!!) 

This is the color scheme we chose. Now, this wont be what our house looks like, just the colors. We will have a navy blue front door, and I think the shutters will match and then the colors correspond as so...

Emma has been crafting at daycare and brought home her first coloring project :) such a proud Momma! She also got a Bubble Guppies shirt from Gramma B and this was the best she would let me capture, she was running wild with excitement.

On Saturday, My Mom and I met up with her friend Robin, her daughter had twin girls in May this year and we finally got to meet them! This is little Cali (my mom held Elli most of the time) She was soooo good. Sat in my arms the whole lunch.

 On Sunday, Emma couldnt even handle herself with her tiredness. She wanted her blanket ALL day. She wraps herself and hung out here the majority of the day. She wanted nothing to do with food or drink unless it was a red juice or fruit loops. She plowed her breakfast this mornng to say the least.

 Happy week!!!

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