Monday, August 26, 2013

Where did August go?!

What an exciting week! This week, we chose out granite out for the kitchen, the carpet for the rest of the house, the tile (which will look like wood!) and the darkest square is the cabinet color. It was so hard to choose what we wanted in the house. Way too many choices and money too easily spent. I was able to contain myself and spent $1500 less than I gave myself to spend, so that was nice.

After I was all done, I decided I would take the rest of the afternoon and pick up Emma early from daycare... she had other plans. She was so cute sleeping on her "cot", so I hung out till she woke up. A whole bunch of 1 year olds sleeping is the cutest thing EVER!

One of the teachers made this super cute school bus for their classroom. Emma is in the first window waving. I love kids classrooms :)

I love when Emma rediscovers hidden toys (because you know... we have a billion of them). She found this gem in the corner of her closet and played with it all weekend, honking the horn all weekend! lol

Sunday was a rough nap day. 1. she slept in, which at first was amazing! but then 2. she messed up her nap schedule. 3. she woke up mid-nap stuffy because we forgot to clear her nose before going down. So after she was wailing for a few min, I rescued her and since sitting up, she could breathe and passed out on my shoulder and took an additional hour long nap on me like this. Love when she falls asleep on me!! :)

This girl is so spoiled by Gramma it is out of control. A few weeks ago my Mom asked where she could get Emma a chair for her house. I was slightly joking when I mentioned they have a Bubble Guppies couch/chair set at Walmart...well she was all over it. She was sweet enough to give us the chair for our house and keep the couch and ottoman her house. To say Emma LOVES this chair is an understatement. Up and down all day!

This girl is such a heartbreaker already. What am I going to when she gets to high school?!

Happy last week of August!!!

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