Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A visit with Uncle Jimmy

We made our way back to Las Vegas 2 weekends ago because Uncle Jimmy came for a visit from Florida. Uncle Jimmy is actually James' - Dad's Uncle. He is 78 I think and looks like he hasnt aged a day past 60. He looks fabulousssss and acts it too hehe.

Again, Emma was such a wonderful traveler! Probably once an hour she got fussy and wanted out, but we gave her snacks and her computer to watch Guppies and she was solid.

Last Christmas, the in-laws got Cousin Nicholas this cool car and since it stays and their house, Emma took the opportunity to take a cruise. She was mostly fascinated with the belt buckle on it, but it was cute for the few mins she drove around.

It was wonderful that Uncle Jimmy wanted to play so much, nice break for this Momma and her clingly babe. I left Jimmy and Father outside to play and after these shots, I ran inside.

Grandpa has a giant rocking giraffe (I dont ask questions haha) and he went for a ride for Emma, she was terrified to get on it.

On Sunday the Giants played and James ALWAYS has is outfit on... (its only weird if it doesnt work, right?) and then his brother showed up wearing his hahaha totally unplanned. Pretty sure those pants are from the 80s!

And this girl with TWO desserts... she knows whats up!

Nicholas is getting so big now! I love when he grabbed my hand to play. We dont get to see each other often, so it is nice that when we do see each other, he still loves me. He is obsessed with open and closing the garage door and playing with the fan light string. Cute... kinda haha until everything is blinded or broken.

Grandpa let the kids play on his precious pool table.. Emma loved the balls and was banging them. Then she wanted to use her ultra-strength tiny hands and hold 2 balls at once. She got pretty pro and was so proud of herself... and so was grandpa haha

After a quick 48 hours in Vegas, we were on our way back home! We made it home in 5 hours... we made great time and was able to watch the sun go down and it was a perfect weekend. One day, well make it to Florida and check out where Unlce Jimmy lives :)

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