Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Baby 2 // 24 weeks!

24 Weeks!


Got her legs crossed :)
Sweet profile :)

Gender: Its a GIRL!!!!!!!!

Weight: I find out tomorrow 

Size of Baby: yesterday they measured her 1 pound 5 oz! Shes also as long as an ear of corn

Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: Since we have started the nursery and taken the guest bed down, we decided that the matress was far less used and we swapped it out..lets just say sleep has been great this week!!! Yay. And also, my HUGE pregnancy pillow arrived yesterday! I love to just lay on the floor with it lol, I can still sleep pretty well, so I wont take up the whole bed for a least a week or 2 more with that pillow

Best moment of the week: I took Emma with me to the ultrasound yesterday so she could 'see' the baby and she just kept asking 'Momma! Whats that? I hear a noise! Ooo the baby"

Worst moment of the week: I am officially starting to feel tight in the pants region... I will be looking for work pants this weekend

Miss anything: So far so good :)

Difference between pregnancies: I feel like I did with Emma now! I have been eating everything!

Movement: so much stronger this week. For dinner, she gets really active when I take bites. I love it.

Cravings: nothing this week!

Queasy or sick: this weekend, it was sick a few times. Nothing that kept me down tho.

Looking forward to: We have narrowed it down to 3 names, Kennedy, Gianna or Jacqueline. We will have a name next week!! Woooohooo


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