Friday, October 24, 2014

Pumpkin Patch 2014

 This year we went to a local farm (last year was local too) We wanted to go up north a little bit where it is cooler, but time ran out. So we headed to Vertuccio Farms. It was half the price of last year and I loved how much smaller it was. At Schnepf Farms last year, we felt like we walked forever to get to each activity.

I was excited for Emma this year, because last year she was too small for any activities. We stood next to this 'giaaaaaaant punkin'. Emma and James went down this slide..she LOVES slides. She was so excited.

 My favorite part of this whole little visit was the turkeys. James 'called' this turkey and it kept calling back. He got all ruffled up and spread its feathers. It was hilarious. Emma now asks James to call the turkey and busts out laughing.

We took a little hay ride/carriage ride without and hay lol but it was cute to go through all the trees and see the farm.

Emma got to feed the goats! She was so cute. 'Ah it got me!'

 We saw a coop of baby chickens and of course had to observe.
 James wanted to show off his man strength. He hit it 4 times and on that last hit, you heard a loud 'DING!'..A man so proud of himself :)
And after it was all done, on the way out of the farm is where you could pick your pumpkins. I loved that you didnt have to cart them around the whole farm and it was right by the exit. James got a huge pumpkin and I got the largest one I have ever gotten before, but not as big as James'...and Emma already has 4192374, so we didnt get her one haha.

I cant wait to carve them this year! and next year, we will have TWO little babes to take with us :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it was a fun outing and your daughter really seemed to enjoy herself at the farm. I remember taking my daughters when they were smaller. Those were the days... :)
