Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Baby 2 // 32 weeks

Gender: Its a GIRL!!!!!!!! Gianna Pizza! (no middle name yet, still)

Weight: I have been up and down from being sick. I had lost 6 pounds over weeks 29-31..but ive been stuffing my face the last 4 days and yesterday at my apt, I gained it all back. So overall, still down 15 from the start.
Size of Baby: Weighs about a Jimica (sure) Baby is measuring according to ultrasound at exactly 4 pounds! She was measuring 31wks6days and I was exactly 32 weeks. So right on. (Emma was always at least 2 weeks ahead)
Belly button in or out: getting flat!
Sleep: This week has been hitting me hard. I will sleep in 3-4 hour stretches, but when I wake to pee, everyone get out of my way...then I struggle for 30  min to get comfortable
Best moment of the week: we got our ultrasound done yesterday :)
Worst moment of the week: Ive been extrememly emotional this week
Miss anything: putting shoes on hahaha

Difference between pregnancies: Still just everything.
Movement: we are running out of room in the womb! Her poor face is smooshed in my lower right side..but I am getting some good rib kicks
Cravings: turkey sandwiches this week! Ive had one everyday lol
Queasy or sick: I was in the hospital last week for a few days, now im back to normal
Looking forward to: the holidays. Im really trying to soak up all my time with Emma and not worry about the nursery, because really, that can wait till the new year.
Heres to the last 5-7 weeks!!

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