Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving [recap]

We'll keep this short and sweet :)
Thursday Morning, we headed over to my parents house to go to the yearly parade they have! The ONLY parade west of the the Missippi! Someone from our family has been in the parade for the last 8-9 years. From my brother and I marching with the band and now my dad's company has a float and he goes with!
Its short and sweet, but something fun we do every year. We then head back to hang with my parents for a bit. After that, James and I went to get in line with the crazies who need to get a good deal. We went to Target again this year and we got everything we wanted and more! Nothing exciting, but its our tradition and we love it! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday!! Now for pictures of my favorite things from the parade :)

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