Monday, May 4, 2015

Gianna // 3 Months

This little peach is 3 months old (13 weeks) as of this weekend! 

I feel like she has changed so much from Thursday to Sunday. 
She has been more alert and awake over the past few days. She still loves to sleep, but will now be awake for at least an hour at a time :)

Gianna goes to bed around 8-830 and wakes up 4-5 and goes back to sleep till we either leave for daycare or on the weekends, till Emma wakes up around 730-8. Sometimes shell go back to sleep again and wait for James to get up around 9-10. 

She has really found her voice the last 2 weeks. Screaming like a raptor and it is Emma's favorite. Always saying 'Ooooh Mama, sissy is talking to me!' or  'Mama, I think sissy is hungry! She is yelling really loud!!!' 

She hates being 'petted' or 'touched' while eating. I mean who likes their head groped while eating?! haha...Emma LOVES to rub her fuzzy head haha. 

Her favorite position is to be held on your chest/stomach facing outward to see everything..and you must be standing, with a slight bounce; none of this sitting while I face outward stuff. 

Loves bath time, but the water needs to be reallly warm, almost too warm or she hates it.

She has been smiling soo much and I love it. I feel as though she will be our more serious babe; so when she smiles a lot, it makes me the happiest Mama :)

I wasnt able to get a weight check last week at Emmas check up..rude new nurse.. But I think she has gained at least 2 pounds since her 2 month check up and grown at least another inch, because her 3 month jammies are getting tight in the footies.

She wears size 1 diapers and in 3 month clothing,I refuse to pull out any bigger clothing for a least another not ready yet (insert tears)

Gianna,  you are such a joy to have in our family!! You are such a great baby and we are so blessed! Love you to the moon and back a million times!! 
Love, Mama

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