Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vegas (2 of 3)

While we were in Vegas, we headed to a pumpkin patch with James brother and family. I will say that I was highly dissapointed in the place, smashed pumpkins everywhere, kids throwing pumpkins and smashing them, people could drive thru and were driving over the fields and the line was a mile long to pay; however, the kids had a great time and we spent some time with Nick and Danielle and Nicholas and that is what it was about. We will be heading to one this weekend in AZ that I presume will be better (petting zoo and more activities).

Emma would not go near any pumpkins, so I was able place it near her and get a pic lol

Were are all the pumpkins?!

Got some lovely pics with Emma! (I am never in pics with her! Thanks Danielle!)

With Daddy! She hated the hay lol and she would hold this tiny green not-even-a-pumpkin-really thing.

Nick and Nicholas!

Emma and Nicholas ran wild and discovered each other and it was sooo cute to watch them!! (again, where are the good pumpkins?! GONE!)

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