Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Baby 2 // 29 weeks

Gender: Its a GIRL!!!!!!!! Gianna Pizza! (no middle name yet, hubbys 'choice' since the first name was my choice in the end)

Weight: from week 24-28, I gained 1.5 pounds. Still down 7 pounds from week 4.
Size of Baby: Butternut Squash this week
Belly button in or out: still going strong with an innie! (I never 'popped' out with Emma though, so I have this feeling it will be an innie till the end)
Sleep: Good this week! although im waking about an hour before my alarm and end up just laying there
Best moment of the week: Emma and I were folding laundry...ok she was unfolding as I was folding haha....but then she asked that I lay down and be put to bed. So I layed on the bed she made me and then she covered me with a blanket. I then asked if she wanted to 'cuddle' the baby and she said yes, as soon as she layed down, Gianna started going nuts in the womb. It was magical :)
Worst moment of the week: NONE! :)
Miss anything: This week I am realllly missing tummy sleeping...just 10 more weeks!! lol

Difference between pregnancies: Still everything. I have had no crazy dreams, with Emma I had tons. No weight gain; with Emma I gained 50+ pounds. I hate everything but water!
Movement: this week has been a lot of lower kicking and more swiping across the top of my tummy. I believe that is where her legs and arms are.
Cravings: Cup-of-soups still.... although i think these are leading to cankles! ahh.. the salt intake in them is high.. oops. I didnt have one for 5 days and I woke up and realized I didnt have cankles anymore, ate a coup the next day and woke up with cankles!
Queasy or sick: I have been feeling great this week!!
Looking forward to: having this baby. I want the time to stay slow...but at the same time, I just am so excited for Emma and watching the 2 of them together. For now, I will enjoy the last holidays as a family of 3 :)

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