Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Gianna is so much fun! She is such a good baby. (knock on wood)

Emma loves to hold her and pet her head. Always asks if they can sit together on the couch in a blanket. Gianna clearly loves her back :)

Gianna is loving putting things in her mouth, but lifting them there has become her struggle. So Emma will gladly shove the giraffe in her face lol, thank you Emma.

Gianna hates tummy time if you just lay her flat, so we discovered the bigger Boppy makes her happy with tummy time and she makes the best faces while doing it :)
Several times, she pushes so hard with her legs, she faces plants in front of her. Im sure if she tolerated tummy time on the ground, she would roll over...but ill take you immobile for as long as possible! I want you to stay a small baby foreverrrrr. I was telling James that I would be ok if she didnt learn anything and just sat in my lap forever. But that cant happen lol

I always couldn't wait for Emma to move on to the next phase, it was always sooo exciting to watch her learn and grow. And then I blinked and she was 3. Time flew so fast and I was so excited about what was next, I didnt soak up the moments with her as much as I wanted to looking back. Now knowing how fast time goes, im trying to soak up every single little baby ounce Gianna has.

Why do we have to grow up on our parents and our kids do the same...I want my parents to bottle me up as a baby and keep me forever.

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