Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pre-Christmas 2015

 I thought I was about to be crazy starting 'cry it out' on Christmas Eve Eve..but I was getting desperate for a bit more sleep and Gianna was showing signs (finalllly) that she was over the swaddle and ready to sleep on her own. All previous attempts failed, ending in crying for over an hour in her crib. A few days before, each time she saw her swaddle blanket she would start to freak out and I was like oooh great hours of fun. So finally I bit the bullet. She was SO tired, so I think that it helped, but she cried for a total of less than 10 mins and was asleep by 20 mins! Woohoo! Shes been waking up about once a night still for a diaper change, which is totally ok with me, because 5/7 days im happy to see her face at 1 am :).
 Every picture she takes now that she can see herself, she will stick out her tongue. But we matched and it was cute, so I let it slide.
 On Christmas Eve, Emma came to work with me for a few hours and Gianna went with my Mom to work and we met up for lunch after :) This little bird will eat anythingggg!

 Then when we got home, Gianna went down for a nap and the 3 of us decorated cookies! Circles and Micky Mouse because Mom fail and I forgot to get Xmas themed ones. I dont think Santa minded the shapes though ;)
 We put out a plate of cookies and chocolate milk for Santa and I have never seen Emma want to go to bed so fast!

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