Thursday, December 3, 2015

Gianna // 10 Months Old

10 Months Old!
Oh man, time you are the biggest thief ever. Less than 60 days till you are ONE. Im in tears just thinking about it. How did this go just so fast. I feel like just yesterday I was still pregnant. You have have done so much this last month. 

  • You grew 3 new teeth, doubling from 9 months. Therefore, you have been super extra clingy and full of tears and fevers. 
  • Trying reallllly hard to take a step, you get 1 foot off the ground and as you take the step, you are down for the count..who knows how much longer!
  • You have mastered hair pulling
  • you are not sleeping well anymore; I blame the teeth. Growing teeth is hard work!
  • I told my Mom that this was my least favorite month of parenting to date and that night and the following 2 nights, you were an angel. You knew I needed it. Thank you, baby girl. Now lets hope I didnt jinx myself haha
  • getting pictures of you sitting still is impossible. I take 20 and maybe 1 is ok and not blurry. Im working on a velcro onesie to attach you too (only partly joking)
  • You had your first Thanksgiving and love turkey! not so much cranberry sauce, but thats ok, me either ha
  • you love meat! You prefer it over other veggies, which is totally ok with me, considering Emma wont even look at meat.
  • You want to do everything that Emma is doing; which Emma loathes. 
  • You have a great love for your Daddy. As soon as you see him, you jump out of anyones arms to get to him as fast as possible
  • You HATE to be left alone. If you even think you are about to be left alone, you cry like someone hurt you. It makes me so sad, but sometimes, Mama needs to pee, make you and sister food.
  • it is almost impossible to get  you dressed and in a diaper, you are always flipping and trying to get away
  • you have become a rebel in the tub, standing up and laughing, trying to climb over the edge while it fills up
  • Your smile will light up a room and your giggle is the sweetest thing ever.
  • you are a quiet one, but when you want to be heard, oh we can hear you sweet one
  • I love that when I enter the room at daycare,  you immediately see me and try to get to me 
  • I kinda love that you still have no hair really. I love rubbing my chin on the top of your head. 
  • I am making sure to squeeze you every chance I get. I know ill miss this baby stage way too much come next year. 
  • I am so looking forward to your first Christmas, youll be getting a box full of wrapping paper ;) hehe 

Happiest 10 months you munchkin! 

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