Monday, April 18, 2016

Emma's 4th Birthday Party!

Emma sure knows how to party! A whole week of presents and parties! Emma woke up Saturday ready to party. Picked out her own outfit! (I had another outfit picked out, but she did a great job picking her own!) and she let me curl her hair, not that it was needed, but I wanted to get more defined ringlets in the front :).

I bought a plain cake and this Little Mermaid topper and then wrote on it and added the blue around the edges to seal it on. For the party food (sooo over pizza!) I got a cheese tray and a deli meat tray, a box of club crackers and a bag of lays. It was so perfect! It was easy, healthier, catered to allergies and Emma doesnt even like pizza (I know, is she even my child?! A Pizza that doesnt like pizza?!) and then we had a cake and candy bar (for the kids with allergies)!
The kids got unlimited carousel rides and a ride on the train and then we could hit the park after for play time. It was so much fun and all the kids had a blast! Here are the pictures from the day!:

The outtakes :)

Gianna was a champ at the park!

Emma's school Best Friend!

Train time! All the kids took off and I was stuck in the back and Gianna wasnt too sure what to think of it lol

 She ate the whole slice of cake and was looking for anyone who had more.

 Present time! It is hilarious watching a bunch of 3/4 year olds be really patient with other toys.

 After the party was over, we hit the play ground for a bit.

 The kids were soaked! But it was so worth letting ride home naked haha

All the rest of the pictures are from my sweet friends and MIL :)

Thank you for taking these! 

 I cant get over her facial expression here.. pure joy.

I hope you had a wonderful party baby girl! I cannot believe 4 years ago,  you made me a Mama! I cant wait to see were this year takes us. Love you soooo much!!! 

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