Monday, April 4, 2016

Saturday Shenanigans [3.27.16]

Saturday, we had quite a fun girls day! I like to get out of the house to let James sleep since he gets home at 6 and goes back later. So we played outside and then headed to the aquarium! I called my Mom to see if she was doing anything and she was able to make it to see the fishes with us! 

 This silly girl. It is my favorite when she asks if we can take pictures before leaving.

 Emma's favorite exhibit it the 'touch tank' and she knows all the different species in it! If you ask her what each thing is, she will proudly tell you. Gianna had her first experience in touching the water (she just wanted to splash and make a mess haha)

 <-- she couldnt figure out what was going on in the bubble haha

-->both kids asleep in the car.. best feeling ever lol

Emma needed a new knobs on her dresser, and she picked out new pink ones! If I say so myself, they are fantastic choice ha

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