Thursday, August 24, 2017

We bought a house!

We have officially owned the house for 2
months and living in it for almost a month. We still have a ton of work inside, but all the major projects have been completed. Ill probably do 4-5 posts touring the house with before and afters :) The Kitchen and Backyard will be last as they are still a work in progress ;)

Most of the before's are from the listing pictures and I took a few 'progress' pictures.

So the front of the house!

Per the HOA, we needed to paint the house and patch the rocky landscape. When it came down to it, the front cactus was essentially dead and there were several different colors of rock. My parents so graciously offered to have the house painted and landscaped as a house warming gift. So grateful for them! It looks AMAZING!! We are hoping to still get rid of the second cactus and sell it, but for now its fine on the side of the house.

*not pictured* The bush in front of the window was full and green when it was removed.

Here is the after! AMAZING! We went with a gray for the house and planted some trees that will eventually provide some shade and all new rocks :)

We have had several neighbors stop by and tell us how much better it looks!

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